jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020

Thursday 21st May 2020

Recordad que hoy tenéis videoconferencia con Emily por la mañana. 

Types of landscapes

Free Mountain Clipart - Cliparts.co | Mountain clipart, Clip art ...

ABC Songs for Children | English Vocabulary Game | Beach ...

Desert Animals and Relaxing Music for Children | Music for Kids ...

Cartoon Forest Animals. Wild Bear, Funny Squirrel And Cute Birds ...

What's your favourite?

¿Dónde te gustaría ir? Escribe en tu journal:

I want to go to the __________________________

Tarea de hoy:
Escribe en tu journal la fecha de hoy o grábate en vídeo y nos lo mandas. As you prefer!

También te puedes grabar un vídeo respondiendo a las preguntas de Emily del martes o las de hoy jueves.

¡Estáis trabajando genial chicos! We are very happy with you.

Today I am ______________________
Today is Thursday 21 May 2020.
Yesterday was Wednesday.
Tomorrow will be Friday and I have videconference with my English teachers Rocío/Mª José and Emily.
The season is spring.
The weather is ___________
For lunch, I eat ________________

We love you,

Mª José and Rocío

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